December 12, 1980

Top 10 Films of 1980

1. ''The Stunt Man'' (Richard Rush, USA)

2. "Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears" (Vladimir Menshov, Soviet Union)

3. "The Empire Strikes Back" (Irvin Kershner, USA)

4. "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (Jamie Uys, South Africa)

5. "Sauve qui peut la vie" (Jean-Luc Godard, France)

6. ''Melvin And Howard'' (Jonathan Demme, USA)

7. ''The Shining'' (Stanley Kubrick, USA)

8. ''Spetters'' (Paul Verhoeven, Holland)

9. "Raging Bull" (Martin Scorsese, USA)

10. "Love Between The Raindrops" (Karel Kachyna, Czechoslovakia)

Other great films:

Dyrygent (Poland)
Eaten Alive (Italy)
Kagemusha (Japan)
Kontrakt (Poland)
Lost Souls (Hong Kong)
Loulou (France)
Patricia (Austria)
A Prisao (Brazil)
Taxi zum Klo (Germany)

Short Top 3:

1. "Gadajace glowy" (Krzysztof Kieslowski, Poland)

2. "Fall Line" (Bob Carmichael, Greg Lowe, USA)

2. "Nocturne" (Lars Von Trier, Denmark)

Other great shorts:

Le Jardin des delices de Jerome Bosch (France)
Karl Hess: Toward Liberty
Murder Psalm

Top Music Video:

"Breaking The Law" (Julien Temple, UK)

Top Commercial:

"Lacrosse" (Pepsi)

TV Top 3:

1. "From The Life Of The Marionettes" (Ingmar Bergman, Germany)

2. "Hollywood" (Kevin Brownlow, David Gill, ITV, UK)

3. "Dallas: Who Done It?" (Leonard Katzman, CBS)

Other great TV shows:

Catherine de Heilbronn (France)