January 12, 1970

Top 10 Films of 1912

1. "From The Manger To The Cross" (Sidney Olcott, Kalem)

2. "Parsifal" (Mario Caserini, Italy)

3. "The Pride Of The Circus" (Alfred Lind, Denmark)

Short Top 10

1. "Onésime horloger" (Jean Durand, France)

2. "The Girl And Her Trust" (D.W. Griffith, USA)

3. "The New York Hat" (D.W. Griffith, USA)

4. "An Unseen Enemy" (D.W. Griffith, USA)

5. "The Musketeers Of Pig Alley" (D.W. Griffith, USA)

6. "The Burglar's Dilemma" (D.W. Griffith, Biograph)

7. "The Sunbeam" (D.W. Griffith, Biograph)

8. "Max et l'inauguration de la statue" (Max Linder, France)

9. "The Lesser Evil" (D.W. Griffith, Biograph)

Other great shorts:

Le Chevalier des neiges (France)
La Pantoufle merveilleuse (France)

Cartoon Top 3:

1. "Zemsta kinooperatora" (Wladyslaw Starewicz, Poland)

2. "How A Mosquito Operates" (Winsor McCay, Vitagraph)

3. "Le Garde-meuble automatique" (Romeo Bosetti, France)

Other great cartoons:

Piekna Lukanida (Poland)
Wesole sceny z zycia zwierzat (Poland)
Wooden Athletes (UK)

Weak films of 1912:

La Reine Élisabeth (France)

Weak shorts of 1912:

Algie The Miner
L'Ane jaloux (France)
La Conquête du pôle (France)