August 8, 2015

Le Petit Prince (2015) *

Valley Of Love (2015) *

Gerard Depardieu and Isabelle Huppert in the Death Valley.

La Tete haute (2015) **

Unpleasant film about a juvenile delinquent.

Les Betises (2015) **

Weird French comedy about a young man trying to find his birth mother.

Journal d'une femme de chambre (2015) **

A rather pointless remake of a story that was already successfully adapted by Luis Bunuel and Jean Renoir.

Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse (2015) ***

Les Revoltes (2015) ***

Un Moment d'egarement (2015) ***

Mon roi (2015) ***

Marguerite (2015) ***

Malgre la nuit (2015) ***

Love (2015) ***

Dheepan (2015) ***

Les Deux amis (2015) ***

Comme un avion (2015) ***

Le Tout Nouveau Testament (2015) ***

La Belle saison (2015) ***

A trois on y va (2015) ***

L'Affaire SK1 (2015) ***

La Loi du marché (2015) **

Realistic French drama about looking for a job.

Connasse princesse des coeurs (2015) **

Un "Borat" au feminin.

Ni le ciel ni la terre (2015) **

An Afghan war movie about mysterious disappearances of soldiers at a remote outpost.

Fatima (2015) **

French drama about a Muslim woman and her two daughters.