May 5, 2001

Le Ciel sur la tête (2001) *

Very boring little film from Quebec.

Eisenstein (2001) **

Conventional biopic about an unconventional filmmaker.

Trois princesses pour Roland (2001) *

Un documentaire déprimant sur une famille de BS.

Between The Moon And Montevideo (2001) *

Pretentious mess.

Crème glacée, chocolat et autres consolations (2001) **

Charming, but very low-key film about a group of young people.

Les Boys III (2001) **

Much better than the second film.

Une Jeune fille à la fenêtre (2001) *

Boring film directed by Francis Leclerc.

L'Ange de goudron (2001) *

Heavy-handed drama about an Arab immigrant facing deportation.

15 février 1839 (2001) **

Somber historical drama about the hanging of a French-Canadian rebel.

So Faraway And Blue (2001) ***

Mariages (2001) ***

La Femme qui boit (2001) ***