September 9, 1979

Szpital Przemienienia (1979) ***

Polish drama set in an insane asylum in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Hair (1979) ***

Dragon Fist (1979) ***

The Warriors (1979) ***

Excellent film about street gangs in New York City.

The Wanderers (1979) ***

Nostalgic drama set in the early 1960's.

Buffet froid (1979) ***

Black comedy from Bertrand Blier.

Being There (1979) ***

Peter Sellers gives an incredible performance in this adaptation of Jerzy Kosinski's novel.

The Black Stallion (1979) ***

A young boy finds a magnificent horse on a desert island.

Amator (1979) ***

Film Krzysztofa Kieslowskiego analizujacy role artysty w spoleczenstwie. Znakomity przyklad "kina moralnego niepokoju".

Perceval le Gallois (1979) ***

Highly stylized film about a medieval knight. Dialogues are in verse and sung by the actors.

Hardcore (1979) ***

The Lady In Red (1979) ***

Tess (1979) ***

Moonraker (1979) ***

Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra-Vixens (1979) ***