March 3, 2024

Baby Reindeer (2024) ***

One of the most talked about TV series of 2024, based on a true story.

Jimmy Carr: Natural Born Killer (2024) ***

"You can't go around apologizing for jokes. They're jokes. So I've got a plan. The next time I get cancelled over a joke, the next time I upset people with a joke, I'm gonna come out on the day of the cancellation, I'm gonna make a statement, a public statement. I'm gonna say, I've rehearsed this, I'm gonna say 'I'm SORRY!' And the people I've offended will say 'You don't really mean that apology.' And I'll say 'So you're saying I can say something and not mean it.' Now you're getting it."

Sugar (2024) ***

Stylish TV series about a private detective, directed by Fernando Meirelles.