January 6, 1970

Top 10 Films of 1906

1. "The ? Motorist" (Walter R. Booth, UK)

2. "Humorous Phases Of Funny Faces" (J. Stuart Blackton, USA)

3. "La Maison hantée" (Segundo de Chomon, France)

4. "Les Quat' Cents Farces du diable" (Georges Méliès, France)

5. "Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse" (Albert Capellani, France)

6. "A Visit To Peek Frean And Co.'s Biscuit Works" (G.H. Cricks and J. H. Martin, UK)

7. "La Cardeuse de matelas" (Georges Méliès, France)

8. "Dream Of A Rarebit Fiend" (Edwin S. Porter, Edison)

9. "Une Chute de cinq étages" (Georges Méliès, France)

10. "La Revolution en Russie" (Lucien Nonguet, France)

Other great shorts:

L'Hôtel des voyageurs de commerce (France)
Les Incendiaires (France)
No Swimming (Austria)

Les Quat' Cents Farces du diable (1906) ***

Volcanos, skeleton horses, flying carriages and many other tricks presented in fantastic settings. Directed by Georges Méliès.

Alchimiste Parafaragamus (1906) *

Usual mayhem in a magician's laboratory. Directed by Georges Méliès.

The “?” Motorist (1906) ****

Directed by Walter R. Booth and produced by Robert W. Paul. Very amusing sci-fi short about a magical car.

Visit To Peek Frean And Co.'s Biscuit Works (1906) ***

One of the first genuine documentaries – everything you always wanted to know about biscuit manufacturing and distribution but were too afraid to ask. Produced by George Howard Cricks and John Howard Martin.

L'Hôtel des voyageurs de commerce (1906) ***

An hotel guest is a victim of a cruel prank. Aka ''Les suites d'une bonne cuite''.

Les Incendiaires (1906) ***

A murderous gang leader is captured, imprisoned and executed.

La Cardeuse de matelas (1906) ***

A tramp, a mattress and an enjoyable Méliès' comedy.

La Revolution en Russie (1906) ***

Directed by Lucien Nonguet, this film has the same story as “Potemkin” (1925), but it's much more chaotic.

La Maison hantée (1906) ***

People find themselves in a haunted house.

Une Chute de cinq étages (1906) ***

One of the earliest slapstick farces, directed by Georges Méliès.

La Fée Carabosse (1906) **

Story of a witch. Aka ''Le Poignard fatal''.

Le Maestro Do-Mi-Sol-Do (1906) **

A musician tries to play, but his instruments are haunted.

Jack le ramoneur (1906) *

A ponderous and pretentious bore.

Les Affiches en goguette (1906) *

People on a poster magically come to life. Directed by Georges Melies.

L'Anarchie chez Guignol (1906) *

A Punch and Judy show. Only a very brief fragment of this film survives.

Les Bulles de savon vivantes (1906) *

A magician uses soap bubbles to make women appear out of nowhere. But since the women are dressed from head to toe, one has to seriously question why he bothers.

The Sand Bath (1906) ***

No Swimming (1906) ***

Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906) ***

An adaptation of the famous Arabian Nights tale about a magic lamp, a genie, a princess, an evil magician, etc. Beautiful colors, hand-tinted. Directed by Albert Capellani and produced by Pathé.

Humorous Phases Of Funny Faces (1906) ***

Directed by J.Stuart Blackton.

Dream Of A Rarebit Fiend (1906) ***

A glutton eats too much before going to bed and has terrible nightmares. There are plenty of superimpositions and other visual effects in this innovative film, directed by Edwin S. Porter. Length: 6 minutes.