January 4, 1970

Top 10 Films of 1904

1. "Le Voyage à travers l'impossible" (Georges Méliès, France)

2. "An Interesting Story" (James Williamson, UK)

3. "Dog Factory" (Edwin S.Porter, Edison)

4. "La Sirène" (Georges Méliès, France)

5. "The European Rest Cure" (Edwin S. Porter, Edison)

6. "Rector's To Claremont" (Edwin S.Porter, Edison)

7. "Le Thaumaturge chinois" (Georges Méliès, France)

8. "Drat That Boy" (Robert W. Paul, UK)

9. "Le Bourreau turc" (Georges Méliès, France)

10. "Railroad Smashup" (Edwin S. Porter, Alfred C. Abadie, Edison)