September 9, 1990

The Forbidden Dance (1990) ***

Musical film about an Amazonian princess who wants to dance and save the rainforest. A certain priscillagrrr took this film a bit too seriously, making this comment on

I feel ashamed of being Brazilian after watching this movie! This is a ridiculous film! Not only is there no good dancing, as the title suggests, and moronic dialog, but the writers obviously did not research Brazilian culture whatsoever before making this crappy movie. I'm Brazilian, born and raised, and believe me on this one, there are NO princesses there. Not even anything close! It makes me angry that this movie portrays my country and culture so wrong. Asides from that, the movie makes me laugh because everything is so exaggerated and corny!

Yes, we are aware, dear Priscilla, that there are no princesses in Brazil. But you are apparently unaware that this is a fairy-tale musical, and not a serious documentary.