July 7, 1972

The Cruel Sea (1972) *

The best Kuwaiti film of all times, and also the worst Kuwaiti film of all times, because it's the only Kuwaiti film of all times. And not a very good one.

Ecstasy Of The Angels (1972) ***

The Seduction Of Mimi (1972) ***

The New Land (1972) ***

Trzecia czesc nocy (1972) ***

Female Prisoner Scorpion (1972) ***

Fellini's Roma (1972) ***

Pictures Of The Old World (1972) ***

Fist Of Fury (1972) ***

The Way Of The Dragon (1972) ***

What The Peeper Saw (1972) ***

Wniebowzieci (1972) **

Polish comedy about two guys who win a lottery. Length: 45 minutes.

Liberté à Breme (1972) **

Experimental film about an abused woman who poisons her tormentors and becomes a stronger person in the process.

July 6, 1972

Diabel (1972) ***

Perla w koronie (1972) ***