June 13, 1970

RoGoPaG (1963) **

Four short films of uneven quality. The Pier Paolo Pasolini's segment, starring Orson Welles, is by far the best, but even this one feels too much like a gentle warm-up before the next year's "The Gospel According To St. Mathew". Jean-Luc Godard's segment is well-directed and intriguing, but much more conventional than this director's other films. The Rossellini segment, mostly set in Bangkok, is entertaining, but ultimately disappointing.

"Illibatezza" (Roberto Rossellini)  *
"Il nuovo mondo" (Jean-Luc Godard)  *
"La ricotta" (Pier Paolo Pasolini)  **
"Il pollo ruspante" (Ugo Gregoretti)  *