February 13, 1970

Top 10 Films of 1923

1. "Safety Last!" (Fred Newmeyer, Sam Taylor, Pathe)

2. "A Woman Of Paris" (Charles Chaplin, United Artists)

3. "La Roue" (Abel Gance, France)

4. "The Hill Park Mystery" (A.W. Sandberg, Denmark)

5. "Our Hospitality" (John G. Blystone, Buster Keaton, Metro)

6. "The Ten Commandments" (Cecil B. DeMille, Paramount)

7. "The Hunchback Of Notre-Dame" (Wallace Worsley, Universal)

8. "The Extra Girl" (F. Richard Jones, Sennett)

9. "The Street" (Karl Grune, Germany)

10. "Why Worry ?" (Fred Newmeyer, Sam Taylor, Pathe)

Other great films:

The Hell Ship (Sweden)
Little Red Devils (Soviet Union)
The Village Shoemakers (Finland)

Short Top 10:

1. "It's A Gift" (Hugh Fay, USA)

2. "Au secours!" (Abel Gance, France)

3. "Le Retour à la raison" (Man Ray, France)

4. "The Pilgrim" (Charles Chaplin, First National)

5. "The Dare Devil" (Del Lord, Sennett)

6. "Dogs Of War" (Robert F. McGowan, Roach)

7. "The Balloonatic" (Eddie Cline, Buster Keaton, First National)

8. "White Wings" (George Jeske, Roach)

9. "The Love Nest" (Eddie Cline, Buster Keaton, First National)

10. "Kill Or Cure" (Scott Pembroke, Roach)

Other great shorts:

Kosuzume Pass (Japan)

Cartoon Top 10:

1. "Felix In Hollywood" (Otto Messmer, Winkler)

2. "Bed Time" (Dave Fleischer, Winkler)

3. "Felix The Ghost Breaker" (Otto Messmer, Winkler)

4. "La Voix du rossignol" (Wladyslaw Starewicz, France)

5. "Trapped" (Dave Fleischer, Winkler)

6. "Felix Gets Broadcasted" (Otto Messmer, Winkler)

7. "Rhythmus 21" (Hans Richter, Germany)

8. "One Hard Pull" (Paul Terry, Pathe)

9. "Alice's Wonderland" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

10.  "Lulu" (Segundo de Chomon, Italy)