December 12, 1977

Top 10 Films of 1977

1. "Star Wars" (George Lucas, USA)

2. "Annie Hall" (Woody Allen, USA)

3. "Czlowiek z marmuru" (Andrzej Wajda, Poland)

4. "The Man On The Roof" (Bo Widerberg, Sweden)
5. "Barwy ochronne" (Krzysztof Zanussi, Poland)

6. "Ceddo" (Ousmane Sembene, Senegal)

7. ''Saturday Night Fever'' (John Badham, USA)

8. ''That Obscure Object Of Desire'' (Luis Bunuel, Spain)

9. ''Soldier Of Orange'' (Paul Verhoeven, Holland)

10. "The Spy Who Loved Me" (Lewis Gilbert, USA)

Other great films:

The American Friend (Germany)
Andy Warhol's Bad
The Apple Game (Czechoslovakia)
Budapest Tales (Hungary)
Deseos (Mexico)
Equus (UK)
House (Japan)
Mighty Peking Man (Hong Kong)
Where Are You Bagheera (Soviet Union)

Short Top 3:

1. "Analogies: Studies In The Movement Of Time" (Peter Rose, USA)

2. "The Shetland Experience" (Derek Williams, UK)

3. "Floating Free" (Jerry Butts, USA)

Other great shorts:

The Absent-Minded Waiter
I'll Find A Way (Canada)

Top Music Video:

"Mongoloid" (Bruce Conner, USA)

Other great music videos:

Faut pas rêver (France)

Top Commercial:

"If You Can't Fly Continental" (Continental)

TV Top 3:

1. "Roots" (Marvin J. Chomsky, John Erman, David Greene, Gilbert Moses, ABC)

2. "France tour detour deux enfants" (Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Mieville, France)

3. "Columbo: Try And Catch Me" (James Frawley, NBC)

Other great TV shows:

The Bob Newhart Show: Death Be My Destiny
Nasi goscie (Poland)

Cartoon Top 3:

1. "The Sand Castle" (Co Hoedeman, NFB)

2. "A Doonesbury Special" (Garry Trudeau, Faith Hubley, USA)

3. "The Bead Game" (Ishu Patel, NFB)

Other great cartoons:

Quod Libet (Holland)
Spinnolio (Canada)

Weak TV shows: