December 12, 1987

Top 10 Films of 1987

1. "My Life As A Dog" (Lasse Hallstrom, Sweden)

2. "No Way Out" (Roger Donaldson, USA)

3. "L'Ami de mon amie" (Eric Rohmer, France)

4. "Wings Of Desire" (Wim Wenders, Germany)

5. "Stagefright" (Michele Soavi, Italy)

6. "Full Metal Jacket" (Stanley Kubrick, USA)

7. "The Princess Bride" (Rob Reiner, USA)

8. "Babette's Feast" (Gabriel Axel, Denmark)

9. "A Chinese Ghost Story" (Ching Siu-Tung, Hong Kong)

10. "Soigne ta droite" (Jean-Luc Godard, France)

Other great films:

Bad Taste (New Zealand)
Discopribeh (Czechoslovakia)
Family Viewing (Canada)
Maramao (Italy)
Nekromantik (Germany)
Sweet Country (Greece)
Wicked City (Japan)

Short Top 3:

1. "Point de fuite" (Olivier Smolders, Belgium)

2. "A Place For Many Rooms" (Fumiko Kiyooka, Canada)

3. "The Ants" (Rosemarie Blank, Holland)

Other great shorts:

Adoration (Belgium)

Top 3 Music Videos:

1. "Need You Tonight - Mediate" (Richard Lowenstein, INXS)

2. "U Got The Look" (David Hogan, Prince)

3. "The One I Love" (Robert Longo, R.E.M.)

Top Commercial:

"Preppens-Paret" (Roy Andersson, Sweden)

Other great commercials:

Cartoon Top 3:

1. "The Man Who Planted Trees" (Frederic Back, NFB, Canada)

2. "An Inside Job" (Aidan Hickey, Ireland)

3. "Your Face" (Bill Plympton, USA)

Other great cartoons:

Baeus (Italy)