July 7, 2005

2 Girls (2005) ***

According to a comment on imdb, ''this is one of those rare films we see in the world today that will change one's life. It is also a revolutionary film for the Turkish cinema, finally an intelligent and sensitive departure from the stupid slap sticks of the recent years toward bone dry reality about everyday Turkish life.'' The film in question is ''2 Girls'', directed by E. Kutlug Ataman. It tells a story of two young girls from Istanbul who develop a very close friendship. One girl, Behiye (Feride Cetin) is a rebellious lesbian firebrand with a shock of vermillion-colored hair, flaming purple lipstick and a temper to match. She falls in love with Handan (Vildan Atasever), a vivacious blonde raised by a single mother. Unfortunately, Handan is straight (complete with an asshole boyfriend), but that seems only to excite Behiye even more. So, instead of being a predictable melodrama about a pair of lesbians persecuted by a puritanical Islamic society, ''2 Girls'' is a complex, nuanced film about sexual attraction, unrequited love, jealousy and betrayal.