October 10, 2006

The DaVinci Code (2006) ****

Contrary to what many critics (probably bribed by the Vatican) say, ''The DaVinci Code'' is a terrific, action-packed movie with non-stop suspense, good acting and far better chase scenes than ''Mission Impossible 3''. But those who haven’t read the book, don’t read any further, because there are some SERIOUS SPOILERS AHEAD! The film proposes a fascinating hypothesis about the origins of Christianity, based on apocryphal gospels and other historical sources. Contrary to false assumptions, ''The DaVinci Code'' never questions the divinity of Christ (although it doesn’t proclaim it neither) – its hypothesis is about something else entirely, namely the existence of a direct line of descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. That hypothesis definitely isn’t contrary to Church’s official teachings – after all, if the Virgin Mary could have sex with God the Father, why couldn’t Mary Magdalene have sex with his son ? Even the official, Church-sanctioned gospels admit that Mary Magdalene was a far more important figure to Jesus than all the twelve apostles. John 19,25 identifies her as the only person (besides the Virgin Mary, his aunt Mary and one unnamed disciple) who witnessed Jesus’ death on the cross (while Peter and others were hiding like cowards). Mark 15,40 also identifies Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross (along with the Virgin Mary, and three other women). And Matthew 27,56 again identifies Mary Magdalene, but WITHOUT the Virgin Mary (sic!). So let get it straight – the ONLY person identified in all three gospels as being with Jesus when he died is… Mary Magdalene. It’s a rather strong hint that she was far more than a simple prostitute. So, while many defenders of the film still dismiss it as a work of pure fiction, one could suggest that the hypothesis presented in ''The DaVinci Code'' is actually far more credible than the Catholic Church’s official position.