November 11, 2009

The Hurt Locker (2009) *****

Written by Mark Boal, who was embedded with a bomb squad in Baghdad, this is a tense, suspensful and very realistic Iraq war movie that completely eschews both the patriotic speeches about fighting for democracy, and the leftist propaganda about American imperialism. Here, war isn't hell. War is a drug. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, "The Hurt Locker" is a perfect anti-"Avatar" (directed by her ex-husband James Cameron) - presenting the US military as apolitical, professional and profoundly decent, and the Iraqi "resistance" as ruthless, fanatical and evil. But it's all done so subtly, few liberals are likely to notice just how pro-American this film really is, especially since some war vetarans have pathetically complained (in articles like this and this) that the film presents them as reckless cowboys.