March 11, 1970

Top 10 Films of 1931

1. "M" (Fritz Lang, Germany)

2. "Maedchen In Uniform" (Leontine Sagan, Germany)

3. "La Stella del cinema" (Mario Almirante, Italy)

4. "The Public Enemy" (William Wellman, Warner)

5. "The Smiling Lieutenant" (Ernst Lubitsch, Paramount)

6. "Tabu" (F.W. Murnau, Paramount)

7. "Le Million" (René Clair, France)

8. "City Lights" (Charles Chaplin, United Artists)

9. "Frankenstein" (James Whale, Universal)

10. "Limite" (Mario Peixoto, Brazil)

Other great films:

À nous la liberté (France)
Behind Office Doors
Tokyo Chorus (Japan)

Short Top 3:

1. "Helpmates" (James Parrott, Roach, MGM)

2. "Our Wife" (James W. Horne, Roach, MGM)

3. "The Prague Castle" (Alexander Hackenschmied, Czechoslovakia)

Other great shorts:

Musical Justice
One Good Turn

Cartoon Top 10

1. "Wot A Night" (John Foster, George Stallings, RKO)

2. "Bimbo's Initiation" (Dave Fleischer, Paramount)

3. "One More Time" (Rudolf Ising, Warner)

4. "Dizzy Red Riding Hood" (Dave Fleischer, Paramount)

5. "You Don't Know What You're Doin'" (Rudolf Ising, Warner)

6. "Traffic Troubles" (Burt Gillett, Disney)

7. "The Fox Hunt" (Wilfred Jackson, Disney)

8. "Mask-A-Raid" (Dave Fleischer, Paramount)

9. "Laughing Gas" (Ub Iwerks, MGM)

10. "Studie Nr 7" (Oskar Fischinger, Germany)

Other great cartoons:

Adventures Of Juku The Dog (Estonia)
The Bandmaster
The Barnyard Broadcast
The Birthday Party
Bosko Shipwrecked
Bosko's Soda Fountain
Box Car Blues
The Bum Bandit
The Busy Beavers
Cat's Out
The China Plate
The Cuckoo Murder Case
The Delivery Boy
The Dumb Patrol
Fishin' Around
Ragtime Romeo
Red-Headed Baby
Silly Scandals
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile!
Studie Nr 8 (Germany)
Ugly Duckling
Ups 'n Downs
Weenie Roast

Weak films of 1931:

Bad Girl
Cham (Poland)
East Lynne
The Guardsman
On purge bebe (France)
Pardon Us
Parlor, Bedroom And Bath