February 15, 1970

Top 10 Films of 1925

1. "Potemkin" (Sergei Eisenstein, Soviet Union)

2. "The Gold Rush" (Charles Chaplin, United Artists)

3. "The Merry Widow" (Erich von Stroheim, MGM)

4. "Seven Chances" (Buster Keaton, MGM)

5. "The Big Parade" (King Vidor, MGM)

6. "Master Of The House" (Carl T. Dreyer, Denmark)

7. "The Phantom Of The Opera" (Rupert Julien, Universal)

8. "The Freshman" (Fred Newmeyer, Sam Taylor, Pathe)

9. "Variety" (E.A. Dupont, Germany)

10. "Strike" (Sergei Eisenstein, Soviet Union)

Other great films:

Ben Hur
La Fille de l'eau (France)
Go West
Lady Windermere's Fan
Little Annie Rooney
The Lost World
Maciste all'inferno (Italy)
Orochi (Japan)
The Perfect Clown
She (UK)
The Wizard Of Oz

Short Top 10:

1. "Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies" (Del Lord, Sennett, Pathe)

2. "Water Wagons" (Del Lord, Sennett, Pathe)

3. "What Price Goofy?" (Leo McCarey, Roach, Pathe)

4. "Jeux des reflets et de la vitesse" (Henri Chomette, France)

6. "All Tied Up" (Slim Summerville, USA)

7. "Good Morning Nurse" (Lloyd Bacon, Sennett, Pathe)

8. "The Iron Nag" (Del Lord, Sennett, Pathe)

9. "Dr Pyckle And Mr Pryde" (Scott Pembroke, USA)

10. "Gus Visser And His Singing Duck" (Theodore Case, Earl I. Sponable, USA)

Other great shorts:

Cartoon Top 10:

1. "Felix Dopes It Out" (Otto Messmer, Winkler)

2. "Alice's Egg Plant" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

3. "Closer Than A Brother" (Paul Terry, Pathé)

4. "Alice's Tin Pony" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

5. "Alice In The Jungle" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

6. "Felix All Puzzled" (Otto Messmer, Winkler)

7. "Alice The Jail Bird" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

8. "Alice The Toreador" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

9. "Alice Wins The Derby" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

10. "Alice Loses Out" (Walt Disney, Winkler)

Other great cartoons: