December 12, 1974

Top 10 Films of 1974

1. ''Chinatown'' (Roman Polanski, USA)

2. "The Godfather. Part II" (Francis Ford Coppola, USA)

3. "Alice In The Cities" (Wim Wenders, Germany)

4. ''Arabian Nights'' (Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italy)

5. "Swallows And Amazons" (Claude Whatham, UK)

6. ''Les Valseuses'' (Bertrand Blier, France)

7. ''Le Fantôme de la liberté'' (Luis Bunuel, France)

8. "Martha" (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Germany)

9. "The Cars That Ate Paris" (Peter Weir, Australia)

10. "The Traveller" (Abbas Kiarostami, Iran)

Other great films:

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Amarcord (Italy)
Bingo (Canada)
Electra (Hungary)
Emmanuelle (France)
Gina (Canada)
Home Among Strangers (Soviet Union)
Idi Amin Dada (Uganda)
Jej portret (Poland)
Les Ordres (Canada)
Rabid Dogs (Italy)
Swept Away (Italy)

Short Top 3:

1. "Dyketactics" (Barbara Hammer, USA)

2. "Naked Yoga" (Paul Corsden, UK)

3. "Brzydkie kaczatko" (Tomasz Zygadlo, Poland)

Top Music Video:

"Waterloo" (Lasse Hallstrom, Sweden)

Top Commercial:

"Bubbles" (7-Up)

TV Top 3:

1. "Columbo: Negative Reaction" (Alf Kjellin, NBC)

2. "Columbo: A Friend In Deed" (Ben Gazzara, NBC)

3. "40-latek: Wpadnij kiedy zechcesz" (Jerzy Gruza, Poland)

Other great TV shows:

Cartoon Top 3:

1. "Winnie The Pooh And Tigger Too" (John Lounsbery, Disney)

2. "The Diary" (Nedeljko Dragic, Yugoslavia)

3. "Closed Mondays" (Bob Gardiner, Will Vinton, USA)

Other great cartoons:

The Family That Dwelt Apart (Canada)
Hunger (Canada)
The Truce (Argentina)
Young Frankenstein

Weak shorts:

The Violin
Would I Ever Like To Work (Canada)

Weak cartoons:

Icarus (Canada)
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